Smith Park is the largest of a series of parks and green spaces within Wesbrook Place, one of UBC’s new mixed-use / residential neighborhoods. Since its completion, it has become a focal point for community gatherings and special events. A strong relationship exists between the park and residential buildings that form its edges on all sides.
Khorana Park, situated at the northeast corner of the Wesbrook Place neighbourhood, provides the gateway to multiple routes for cyclists and pedestrians and forms an important component of UBC’s green network. Its setting is enhanced by surrounding forests including a block of mature cedars and firs that have been retained as a buffer to the adjacent 16th Avenue.
Nobel Park is a unique space within Wesbrook Place animated with both active and passive activities. It bridges the primary vehicular corridor of Wesbrook Mall with the retained forested buffer of Pacific Spirit Park. The park also features community gardens and a high-quality baseball field with structured seating that forms an edge adjacent to Wesbrook Mall.
All three parks feature rainwater ponds and channels, children’s play areas, and retained mature trees.
Photo Credit: Brett Ryan Studios